Server news

    No news at the moment

The best on the server
R.Geral RR
1 TheKilleBK 500 400
2 Tiriri 500 400
3 TheKilleDL 500 400
4 Trunks 500 400
5 Katastrofe 500 400
R.Diário RD
1 OliverME 21 252
2 Zambette 15 3
3 DIMITTRI 13 363
4 OGxKush 10 206
5 Mayvi 10 293
R.Semanal RS
1 Zambette 112 3
2 Zambettee 69 383
3 70MaTA 44 70
4 OGxKush 32 206
5 boby 28 400
R.Mensal RM
1 Trunks 143 400
2 Zalask 125 309
3 Zambette 112 3
4 FarMG 72 400
5 TheKilleDL 70 400
Killer Kill
1 Endeavor 75353 400
2 ALLMIGHT 9295 400
3 Tiriri 328 400
4 ValoraDL 292 400
5 LOTUS 276 400
Hero Hero
1 Endeavor 3179 400
2 ALLMIGHT 829 400
3 bTMiX 128 400
4 TheKilleSM 115 400
5 LOTUS 83 400
Castle Siege

Castle owner

Guild: castle

Next confrontation: Sábado às 20:00

Aqui você prova que é o melhor!




15000 Gold